Yoooooo Hooooooo I seeeee Youuuu!
Ok listen up, folks. The numbers refer to the yearbook where they have a picture. Click on the number and you will go to that page in the yearbook for that year. |
Abbot Fred
58 Ackerman Anthony "Tony" 58 Acton Kevan Joseph 60 Aitken Jane 59 Alexander Katherine 59 60 Allan Linda K 58 59 60 Allen Charles W 57 Allen John 57 58 Allen Patricia 57 58 59 Anderson Alan 58 59 Anderson Larry 58 Anderson Susan Adrienne 60 Babbidge Lewis G 59 60 Bacich Marco Jack "Mickey" 60 Bailey Mary Jean 58 Baker Lucien 58 59 60 Ball Leonard 58 Ballard Bernie 58 Baranowski David 57 58 Bishop George 58 Blake Larry Lee 60 deceased Bledsoe Colleen S 59 60 Bockel Byron 58 Bockman George B 57 58 59 Bolton Miriam 59 60 Bonebrake Joseph W 59 60 Bonnar Grace Arlene 60 Boselli Heidi 59 60 deceased Bowen Robert 57 58 Boyer Dennie G 58 60 Brady Patricia 60 Brazier James 58 Breedlove Joan 59 Briggs Renold 59 Brigman Victoria 58 Brooks Jerry 57 58 Brown Mynaikai Kaye 57 58 59 60 Bryant Michael 57 Bryer Paul 59 60 Bunton Jack 57 Burdick Robert 59 60 Burke Pat 58 Burks Judy 57 Bush Carolyn Jane 60 Bush Wolfe Dieter 57 58 Butler Jeffrey 57 Byrnes Barbara Ann "Smokie" Byrnes Gerri 58 deceased Calloway Thomas 58 60 Carder Nancy 58 59 Carlson Ann 58 deceased Casto Deanna M 59 60 Castor Wanda A 57 Christiansen Sandra Lee 60 Chrones Carol 57 58 59 Church Linda Sue Claus Laura 58 Cloak Henry 57 Colacicco Pat 58 Coleman Elsa 59 Coleman Mary 58 Congress Carolyn A 57 58 deceased Connaughton Jerry 60 Connery John King Jr 60 deceased Cooper John 57 58 Cooper Norman 57 58 Cork Marilyn K 58 Corwin Myrna 57 58 59 Costello Arlene 59 60 Cottingham Karen 57 58 Cowden Jeffery Lynn 60 deceased Crampton James 58 Crovitz Michele 60 Crutchfield James 57 58 59 Cunliffe Richard 57 58 59 Curren Diane 59 Curry Raymond 57 58 Curtin Robert 57 Daener Tom 58 59 Daugherty James 57 Daves Patricia Ann 59 60 Davies Richard Leslie 60 Davis Dianne "Dee" 58 Davis James 58 59 Dawe William 57 58 Deason Dorothy 58 DeMoody David 58 59 deceased Dennard Geneva 58 de Russy Kathie 57 Dobson Susan 58 Donahue Patricia 57 Doughtery Phillip 58 59 Drude Charles 60 Duncan Marion 57 Dupnick Robert 57 58 Durfee- Hickel Rodger W 58 deceased Durkin Mary 57 58 Eckels Carol 58 59 60 Edwards Frances Alma 60 Edwards Judy 58 Ennis Terry R 59 60 Ersch Virginia E "Ginny" 58 59 Erskine Annabella 59 60 Ervin Lindsay 57 58 Eskra Douglas 58 59 60 Ewbank Johnnie 59 Farmer Gloria K (Carol) 58 59 60 deceased Faye James 57 Fees John 58 Finch Douglas S 59 60 Fleagal Donald 58 Fleese Nancy Mae 59 60 Ford Sylvia Ann 60 Foster Elaine 57 58 Freeman Edward Clarence 60 Frye James 57 Frymire Harlan 58 59 60 Fuller Rodney 58 Furrier Gill 57 Gagliard Pamela 59 60 Ganly Austin E 59 Garrison Jane 58 59 Gates Darleen 58 Gath Ingrid 57 58 59 Gaunt Judith 59 George Sarah 59 60 Gier Judith 57 58 Gillenwater Lee 57 Gillis Joy 59 60 Goings Laura 58 Gold Rosalyn 57 Grace David Greenfield 60 Gray Edward Francis 60 Green Virginia 58 Greer Robert 57 Grimes Darby 57 58 Gross Wilbur (Groos?) 57 58 59 60 Guidry Patricia 58 59 Gums John Warren "Jerry" 60 Gurnow Joseph Wilfred II 60 Guy Mary Ann 60 Hall Judy 58 59 There were two Judy Halls for this year. Hall Judy 59 deceased Hall Ronda 57 Hannsgen Kenneth 58 Hansen Susan 57 Hardy Anita 59 60 Harrold Robert 57 58 59 Harsch Doss 57 58 59 deceased Hartung James 57 58 Hass Gary 58 59 Hawkins Valerie 59 Hayes Brian 58 Hayes Diane 58 Hayes Doris 58 Haynes Willard "Bud" 58 59 60 deceased Hays Helen Virginia 60 Healy Dorothy Patricia 60 Heck James 59 60 Hendrix Molly 59 60 deceased Hickey Jeanette Thornal 60 Holdiman Terry 58 Holtoner Jay Stanley 58 deceased Howard Julie Marie 60 Howell Thomas 57 Hoyt Michael L 58 59 60 Hubler George 57 Hudson David 58 59 Huey Arthur 57 58 deceased Hutchinson Linda 58 59 Irving Marion Gordon 60 Isbell M Sue 59 60 Jackson Bonnie 59 Jamason Richard 57 James Frank Gary 57 58 deceased Jaskowiak Ronald 58 Jensen Don Owen 60 Jeter Henry Ceaphus 60 Johnson Jack W 59 60 Johnson James 57 58 Johnson Patricia 58 59 Johnson Wendy 58 59 Jordan Joe 58 59 Jordan Sam 57 58 deceased Karr Mary Ellen 59 60 deceased Kelly James Michael 60 Kelly Mercedes 57 58 59 Kendell Stephen 58 59 Kennard Sam 58 Ketterer Larry 58 Kidley Victor Robert 60 Klueh Sandra 58 59 Koller Lois 59 60 Kroman Audrey 58 59 Kubay Carolyn 58 59 60 Kurtz Melvin H "Buzz" 58 59 60 Le Gate Jonne 57 58 Leonard Margaret 57 58 Liles Anne 58 Lippa Sharon 57 58 59 60 Loeb Sally 59 Mac Queen Louella 58 Mabie Joanne 57 Maillet Wanda 58 Manning Rita C 59 60 Mardesich Joan deceased Marioles Steve 58 Martin George 58 Mask Marie (Maria) 58 59 Massengale Judy Elizabeth 60 Massey Walter 58 Mast Christian 59 Matthews Stanley 57 Maxted Duane 57 Maxted Wayne 57 McAllister George 57 58 McAllister Mary 57 58 McClain Earnest 58 McConky Duane 58 McConnell Pam 58 McCord Norman D 59 60 McDowell Linda Rae 59 60 McDuffie Brian P 59 60 McDuffie Michael 58 59 60 McElveen Kerry McGinnis Richard 57 58 60 McLaughlin Donald 57 58 Meadows James 57 Meares Nancy 57 58 Meeker Mary Ann 58 59 60 Mellinger Anne 59 60 Melton Diana 58 Melton Sherrell 57 58 Merritt Joyce J 57 58 59 60 Meyer Alan 57 58 59 60 Mier Walter 58 Miller Janice 58 Miller Nancy 58 Miranda Joe 58 Mitchell Jackie 58 Mittelstaidt Betty 58 Monogue George E 57 58 59 60 Mons Nancy C 59 60 Mooney Eric Wolfgang 60 Moore George 58 Morris John 58 Morrow Carol 58 Moss David 58 59 60 Mullins Scarlett Dean 60 Murray James 58 Nagle Ann 58 59 Nelson Jimmy 59 Ness Sandra 57 58 Newell Donna Marie 60 Newlin Connie A 58 59 60 Newton Sharon A 59 60 Nicoles Ken 59 Noce Edward 60 Novak Richard A 59 60 Nunn Mary L "Merrily" 59 60 Odbert Barbel Alice 60 Odle John 57 Ogden William 58 O'Glee Jean 57 58 O'Mahoney Charlotte 58 deceased O'Neill Margaret "Peggy" 57 58 Osgood Harriet 58 Parish Lamar 57 Parker Ingrid 58 Parkhill Richard 58 Pate Paul 60 Patterson Carol Lenell 59 60 Patterson Linda 58 Paul Sandra Scott 60 Pell Hugh 58 Percy John "Bob" 58 59 Percy William 58 Peters Garry Clayte 59 60 deceased Phillips Patricia Ann 58 Pierce Ronald 58 Piper William 57 58 Pitt Sandra Lee 60 deceased Poore Eugene 57 Porter Gay 58 59 Porter Juanita 59 Pullin Georgia 57 58 Quigley Dorothy 58 59 Rafferty William 58 59 Randall Stuart Ravicher Alvin 58 Ray Lynn 57 Raysbrook Charles Frank 60 Reasin Sandra 59 Relaford James 60 Richardson Anita 57 58 Risler Judith 59 60 Roberton Helen (Heidi) 58 59 60 Robertson Edward 58 59 60 Robinson Dale 58 59 60 Rock Sally 58 59 Rodgers Carolyn 57 58 59 Roettgers Michael 57 Ross Eric 58 Ross Judith Rousseau Ann 58 59 60 Rudell Raymond 59 Russelavage Karen 59 Russelburghe Daniel 57 58 Ruttegers Michael 58 Sagli Katherine 57 Samson Janet 58 Scanlan Susan 57 Schader Diana C 60 Schneider Rosemary 59 60 Schreiber Frank 58 Schultz Pamela Ann 60 Schurter Dennis 57 58 59 Seay Pat 58 Sellars Dave 58 Shawe Sharon Lee Sheperd Thomas 58 Shepherd Freddie 59 Shield Sandra 59 Shrader Reginald 57 Shull Linda 58 59 Silverman Joe 58 Sinclair John Frederick 60 Skeldon Dan 58 Sleeth Patricia 58 59 deceased Smith Duane Hazlett 60 Smith Melvalyn 57 Smith Michael 57 Smith Patricia A 57 58 59 Smith Patricia E 58 59 Smith Theodore S 58 Snee Rachel 59 60 Sobczak Claudia Ann 60 Southern Mara 59 deceased Staffend Gilbert Steven 60 Stainer Rita 57 58 Staio Joan 57 Stansell Dawn 58 Stanton Sally (Sara) 57 58 59 deceased Stephens James R 60 Stewart Katherine Roberta 60 Stillson George 59 60 Stephens John Dennis Stephenson Nevene 58 Stover Raymond John Hunter Jr 60 Streed Ronald 58 59 60 Strickland Susan 58 59 Stroud Joel 58 Swihart Mignon 57 58 Tatarian Allan 58 Taylor Charles 58 59 deceased Taylor Gail 57 58 Thames James 58 59 Thomas Gabriel 59 Thomas Lois 57 58 Thomas Lynn E 57 58 59 deceased Thompson Steve 58 Thorn Inga 58 Timmons James 57 58 deceased Tinling Michael 57 58 59 deceased Tomerlin Ruth 59 Trainor Margaret Ann 60 Traister John 59 Trudo Frank Joseph 59 Tuggle David 59 Vaden Judy 58 Vernon Violet 57 Walcavich Judith L 59 60 Ward Sharon 58 59 Warner Jeffrey 57 Warren Monte Thomas 60 Washington Robert 57 Watts Barry 59 60 Webb Dallas 60 West Susan 59 Whatley Beverly Jean 60 Wheeler Richard 58 59 Wheeler Ronald 58 Wilber Rita Virginia 58 59 60 deceased Wiles John 58 59 Willey Patrick 60 Williamee Terry 59 Williams Judith Sandra 60 Williams Frances 57 Williams Pat 58 Williamson Henry Wayne 60 Wittrock Carolyn A 59 60 Wolfe Alex 57 Wolfe Benjamin Jr 57 58 Woodard David 57 Woolman Jacklyn 58 59 Woyke Max 58 59 Wright Melanee Fay 60 |
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This page was last updated on 05/17/07
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