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The numbers next to the name refer to the yearbook where they have a picture. Click on the number and you will go to that page in the yearbook for that year. |
Ablino John 60 Ackerman Thomas 60 Acquaviva James 62 61 60 59 deceased Adams Carolyn 60 59 Adamson Carol 62 Aiken A 57 Alden Deborah 62 61 Alford Barbara 61 60 Allen B 57 Allen Bonnie J 62 61 Allen Margaret 60 Anderson Douglas R 61 60 Anderson Margery Ann 60 Anthony Marcia 60 Appley Richard 61 Arieta D 57 Armstrong Carol 60 Armstrong Charlotte 60 59 Arnhold Charles 62 61 60 59 Arnold Wayne F 61 60 Arrieta Dorothy 60 59 Ashmore Vinetta 59 Ashton M 57 Ayer Roger 60 Babbidge Suzy I 60 Babcock William 59 Bacon Richard 60 Bacon S 57 Baird Robert 60 59 Baker Elnora 60 Baker Richard 60 59 57 Bakken Jo Ann 62 61 60 Baldwin William 60 Barbour Patricia 62 Barna Carolyn 60 Barnett H 57 Baumgartner Glenn W 62 Bayne Bruce 61 60 Beaumont Dianne W 62 Beaver D 57 Bechtel P 57 Bell R 57 Bellinoff A 57 Bemis Barbara 60 59 Bennett Cheryl 60 Bennett J 57 Beresford Michael G 62 61 Berland R 57 Bevins Lee 60 Birdsong George P III 62 61 60 Bishop Richard 60 Bitner Glenn T 62 61 Blackwell Brendan 61 60 59 Blackwell Kenneth W 62 Blackwood H 57 Blonts Edward 60 Blonts Rebecca 60 Blood P 57 Boatman Gerald 61 60 Boddie Catherine 61 60 59 Bohner Richard 59 Bokum S 57 Bolton Janet 60 Bolton Robert 61 60 Boos A 57 Borkman Wilfred 60 Boyer Donna 59 Bradley Joan 62 Brain Robert 61 Bright J 57 Broadhurst Edwin B 62 Brockbank Von 62 61 Brooks Ann 62 61 Brooks Robert 59 Brookshier Katherine 62 61 60 Brophy James A Jr 60 Brotbeck John 60 Brown Gary 60 Brown Harold (Harald R) 62 61 Bruce Cam 62 Brun Ray 60 Buck John 59 Bucy Wanda 61 60 Bullock Robert F 62 61 60 Burns Lawrence 62 Burrill R 57 Burris John S 60 Burson George 60 59 Butler Dennis 59 Byers Kirk 62 Byrant Betty 59 Cable Ann C 62 61 60 59 57 Camden S 57 Campbell Kenneth 60 Capps R 57 Carlsen Carol 62 61 Carmichael B 57 Carney R 57 Carter Walter 60 Casey Linda Y 60 Castle James 60 Chalmers Norman 60 Chamberlain Marc L 60 Chandler Barbara 62 Chandler Richard T 60 Chapman Jacque R 62 Cheatwood C 57 Christie Nancy 62 61 Cisneros Fidelia 60 Clagett Anne 59 deceased Clark J 57 Clements Charles 60 Clevenger French 60 Coddington M 57 Cole Timothy B 60 Condron Carol 60 Connor Terrance 60 Connors M 57 Connors Paul Frank 62 61 deceased Connors W 57 Conrad Alfred 62 60 Cook Anthony 61 60 Cook D 57 Cooke Stuart 60 Cookston C 57 Cooney Toni 60 Crain Robert 59 Crampton Janet 60 Crews Hazel 59 Crouch Carolyn Lynn 60 59 Croxton Johnnie M 62 61 60 Culpepper Linda 60 deceased Cummings Sharon 60 Cummins D 57 Cunningham Richard 61 60 Cushing Susan 62 Cymbalak R 57 Dailey Janice 59 D'Agelo P 57 Danner Osborne 60 Dansker Maxine 61 60 Daugherty P 57 Daves Sue 59 Davies Phillip L 60 Davis D 57 Delap Herbert A 61 60 Desloge Robert 62 61 Dennison Jody 61 Dillon Charles P 62 Dixon Thomas 61 60 Dodson B 57 Doherty Neva 59 Dolan Paul 60 Doan J 57 Dorney Harvey C 60 Dorsey Lon S 60 Doyle Barbara 60 Drackert John 60 Drasheff Donald 60 Drude Diane 60 Dudle D 57 Duesberry Phyllis 61 60 Dye Carolyn S 62 61 60 Dyer Stephen 60 Earle Rita 60 Ebue Margrit V 62 61 Echols James 60 Eckard Bruce 62 Eckman Claire 60 Ederington Virginia 60 Elliot Jennifer 60 Emery Paul R 60 Enders Michael 61 60 Endsley Carol 60 Francis J 57 Fardy Kathleen 60 Farlow Charlotte 62 Farnsworth Robert 60 Fei Sherry 62 Ferguson Cordell 62 Ferguson Donna J 60 Fernley Richard A 61 File Michael 60 Filley B 57 Finklea P 57 Finley M 57 Fisher Margaret V 62 Flener Michael 61 60 Fletcher Harry 60 59 Fluharty Marilyn 60 Forest J 57 Foss D 57 Foster Janet 60 Franz Marilyn 60 59 Freed Nancy 60 59 Freeman Thomas J or L 62 61 Frey Barbara 60 Fritz Bonnie 62 61 60 59 Fuchs Donna J 60 Fulton Margaret 60 Gagliard Jon 60 59 Gahagan Dianne 60 Gammel Cheryl A 60 Ganly Diane 59 Gann Margery 62 61 deceased Gann Michael 62 61 Garcia Allen David 62 Garcia Joseph 60 Gardner Thomas 59 Garland B 57 Garside Carol 60 Gaston G 57 Gates William 60 Gee A 57 Gee R 57 Gentry P 57 Gerben Robert 60 Gigax Thomas A 62 61 Gilley Raymond 61 60 59 Gilmore S 57 Gilson Katherine 60 Gilson Doanne 61 Gipple J 57 Glueck S 57 Godwin Edward 60 Golden S 57 Goldenstar Robert 62 Good G 57 Gordy John M 62 Gordon Ronald 60 Gore John 61 60 Gossner J 57 Gott Dawn 61 60 Gould Michael 60 Grafton K 57 Gray Cathleen 60 Green Dennis 60 Green Richard 62 Green William 60 Greenberger Patti Joy Greer G 57 Griffin S 57 Griffin Thomas 62 60 Griffith Eileen 60 Griffiths Elizabeth A 62 61 60 Grishom Vicki 60 Guisinger Dan R 62 61 60 Guerin J 57 Gurnow Joseph W II Haas Katherine 60 Haase Marilyn 60 59 Hagberg Dianne 60 Hale Donna 62 61 60 Hall Robert 62 61 60 Hamer Francis 60 Hambrick Donnis 61 Hammack T 57 Hamrick Shelly 60 59 Hanton Thomas 60 Hardin Pamela 60 Hardy Patricia 60 deceased Hardy Thomas 60 Harmon G 57 Harmon Patricia 62 Harper Kaye E 61 Harper Horst 62 Harper Sharon 60 Harris William J 62 61 60 Hart R 57 Harvard R 57 Hawke Susan 62 Herbold Robert 61 60 Hermansen Gail E 62 61 60 Hewitt Dagmar Juliet 62 deceased Hexberg Karin 60 Heyward D 57 Hill Carl W 62 61 60 59 Hill I 57 Hlavacek Frank 60 Hodshire Carole 60 Hoehnke Keith E 62 61 60 Hopper Lynda 61 60 Howard David 61 60 Howard Richard 60 Howe R 57 Humiston Lanny 60 Hunt Dorothy J 61 60 Hynds Caroline 60 Ibex Sharon 60 Ingle A 57 Issac Karen 60 Isbell Robert K 60 Iusi Susan 60 Iverson Alvin 60 Jackson T 57 Jacobo Helen 62 61 Jacobs Dennis 62 61 60 James Barbara 60 Jekel Sheri 60 Jenkins Arbadella 62 61 60 Johns Emily K 60 Johnson Bonnie G 60 Johnson E 57 Johnson Kathryn 59 Johnson Margaret 61 Johnson Michael 62 61 60 Johnson Nancy 61 60 Johnson Susan 60 Jones J 57 Jones I 57 Jones Patricia 62 61 60 59 Jones Sandra 59 Jordan Alvin G 60 Jowdry F 57 Kacprowski W 57 Karg Albert (Alvin or Allen) 62 61 60 Karter Barbara 62 61 Keefe Erin A 60 Keefe Susan A 60 57 Keen William H 60 Kelsall C 57 Kemper John H 62 61 Keogh Dave 60 Kerr Michael 62 61 60 deceased Ketchu Judy 59 King Robert 60 Kirsch Paul 61 Klarer Steve J 60 57 Knight Rosemarie 60 Knopke Kathlee 62 61 Koetitz June 60 Kovalevsky Diane 60 59 Kovich Andrea L 60 Lack Steven D 61 60 deceased Ladd Steven 60 LaLiberte Connie 60 Lambert Stewart W 60 Lamphier Carol 60 59 Lamonica Keith 60 Lannon P 57 Lanza Rita A 60 Larrabee Clifford 60 Lawrance Holly 59 Lawson Mary A 60 Lawson Patty 60 Lee George 61 60 Leonard P 57 Lepard James 59 Levy Neil 62 Linderman Sandra 60 Lindsey Gloria 62 61 Lippa Eugene 61 60 59 57 Liveakos Cornelius D 60 Locklear L 57 Long Constance J 62 Loomis Mary L 62 61 60 Lopes Rebecca 60 Lord Linda 62 Lorenz Latimer "Butch" 60 Lothian Patricia 60 Lowry Linda 60 59 Lyday Janice 60 MacDonald Doris S 62 61 60 57 MacQuesten Karen 62 Maguire M 57 Manning Patricia 60 Markel Robin 60 Markiel John 61 60 Martin Judy 61 Masoner Glenn 62 Matthews Roger 60 Maxey K 57 Mazero R 57 McArthur Harvey 62 McArthur Patricia S 62 McAtee Lois 59 57 McCarthy John 59 McClean Pete 60 McCloskey Peggy 60 McFadden Earle 60 McGaffigan Bernard 60 deceased McGinnis Leon 60 59 McGrath Dennis 60 59 McKenzie Gilbert 60 59 57 McLeester Jill 60 59 McLin Sandra 60 McNutt J 57 Meierdierck Gail 60 Mellinger Mary Jane 61 60 59 Melton B 57 Mendez Michele 62 61 60 Mercer Donald 62 61 60 Mercier Judy M 62 61 Meredith Marjorie 60 Meyers Sharon 60 59 Mihalik Andrew 60 Milburn Nancy 60 Millar Ray 59 Miller Shem 60 Miller Sue 60 Mills Paul 60 Mincheff Sharon 62 Mitchell Terri 60 59 Mitchell W 57 Mongold Karen 62 Mooney Patrick 59 57 Moore D 57 Moore Florence 60 Morasch John 60 Morehouse Lynn 60 59 57 Morris John 60 Morris W 57 Morse R 57 Mothersbaugh R 57 57 Morton M 57 Mumby Joanna 61 Murphy M 57 Murray Charlotte 60 Murray Daniel 59 Musgrave O 57 Naffziger Diane 60 Nagle Betty 59 Neal Susan 60 Ness J 57 Newcomb Glenda 60 Newcomer R 57 Newkirk Robert 61 Newsom Ila 62 61 60 Nichols James 60 Nole Charles 61 60 Novak Kenneth 60 59 O'Brien Robert 61 60 O'Connor Kathleen 59 O'Hallaron Peggy 60 O'Neal John 60 Ogden E 57 Osburn Yvonne 60 Otto Steve 61 60 Overton James A 62 61 60 59 Owens M 57 Pace Mary 59 Pagliarulo Jacqueline 60 Painter James 60 Painter Richard L 61 60 Pair Carolyn 60 59 Palmer Susan 60 There were two Susan Palmers Palmer Susan 60 57 Parke Anne 59 Parker William T 62 61 Pash Pamela Marie 62 61 60 deceased Patterson Anne 61 Peche Carroll A 60 Peche Elizabeth F 60 Peck Kay E 62 Pell Hugh Penry Sheryl "Sherry" 61 60 Petterson Sue 62 Phelps William 60 Phillips Lillian 61 60 Phipps Marlin G 62 61 deceased Pierson Judy 60 59 Pittman Marilynn 62 Pool Harry A 59 57 Post Karen 61 60 Potter Terry L 60 Preuitt Robert 59 Pritchard J 57 Pritchett J 57 Pridgeon Sandra 59 Prohaska Susan 61 60 59 Pruett R 57 Quigley Claude 59 Quin Mary Lou 61 60 57 Quinn Kirby 62 Ransier H 57 Rasmussen Jacquelyn 60 59 Raucher Richard J 61 60 Reinowski R 57 Reitzer Carol S 60 Reynolds Nancy 60 59 Rhodes James L 62 60 57 deceased Rice Theodore L 60 59 Rigsby Sue 60 deceased Robbins Cecil R 60 deceased Roberts Michele 62 61 60 Roberts Roger 60 Roberts William 60 Robinson Bonnie 60 Robinson Douglas 60 Robinson Kenneth 60 Rodgers Carol D "Smily" 62 Roeling A 57 Rogers P 57 Rogers Thomas 59 Rogers Timothy J 62 61 Romans Rosemary 62 61 Ropp Lydia 61 60 Ross Gail Lorraine 60 deceased Ross Thomas 62 61 60 Rothman J 57 Rowdent S 57 Rowe Brenda F 62 Rudell Frederick 59 Rundquist Sara 59 Russell Linda 61 60 59 Rutledge Carol A 60 Ryan John 60 59 Sakelaris John 60 Sallas Dorothy J 60 Sallee A 57 Scanlan Barbara L 62 deceased Schooley Jimalea 60 Schreiber Frank Schulman Barbara 61 Schumacher Terry 60 Schuth Gary 61 deceased Scott Barbara J 61 60 Scott Kinney C 62 Selbie Frederic 60 Seabolt R 57 Self David 59 Sellers Sherianne 60 Selzi J 57 Shaffer Suzanne 62 Shaw Linda 61 60 Shea Lynn 60 Short V 57 Simpson Nanette 60 59 Sinclair G 57 Sipes Terry Rae 62 61 Skaggs Jane 60 Smith Alexa L 60 Smith D 57 Smith Donna 59 Smith Dorothy A 60 Smith Thomas 62 Snowden Douglas R 62 61 60 Sokol Michael 62 61 60 Solem Margaret L 62 61 60 Sorg William 60 Soule J 57 Spiller M 57 Spiro D 57 Spohn Clifford A 60 59 Spurgion John 59 Starnes R 57 Stearns William 60 Steffensen Diane 62 61 Stephens John Dennis 62 Sterling B 57 Stevens C 57 Stewart Larry 60 Stewart Linda 60 Stewert C 57 Stillson Judith 60 59 Stitham D 57 Stone Michael 60 Storreston R 57 Story James 60 Stowe Janet 61 60 Stranacher Arthur 60 Strickland J 57 Stultz Richard 60 Sutherland Linda J 61 Svoboda Joseph 61 60 Sweeney (Madsen) Tom 62 Tanezaph Leslie 59 57 Taylor D 57 Teubner Mary 59 Tietz Karen 60 Thomas Eva 59 Thomas Gerald 62 61 Thomas J 57 Thompson George R III 61 Thompson Linda D 62 61 60 Tommaney John 60 Trammell Suzanne 60 Traynor Philip 61 60 59 Trudo Patricia A 61 60 59 Tully James 60 Tyler T 57 Valdez Marie 60 Van Hook K 57 Van Natta Lynn Marie 62 61 60 deceased Van Pelt James 61 60 59 Van Ryzin Joseph C 62 61 Vartanian Jean 62 Vernon P 57 Via Douglas 62 61 60 Vicroy Jane 62 61 60 Vier Mary 61 Vosgerician Roger 60 59 Voss David M 62 61 60 Waage A 57 Wallace Lana 60 Ward Gary W 62 61 60 Warner Donald Jr 60 Warner Terrence I 62 Wasson Albertus H 62 61 60 59 Watson Diana L 62 61 60 Watson Richard D 62 Watterson Jon 62 61 Weinberg Michael A 62 Welch Warren 61 Westcott Garth M 62 61 60 deceased Wheeler JoLyn C 61 Wheeless Arthur 60 Wheeless Basel 59 Whipple Rae Jean 61 60 Whitaker Thomas 59 White A 57 Wiater Paul 60 Williams James G 62 Williams Mary W 60 Williams Nancy 61 60 Winn Billie Lou 62 61 60 Wolfe R 57 Woolman Linda 59 Woodward Mary C 62 61 Wooton N 57 Worthington Sharron (Sherrie) 62 61 60 Wright Thomas 62 61 Wulff Robert 60 59 Wyatt Wendy 60 Yates Frances M 62 61 60 59 Yates Michael 60 Young Margaret Ann 62 61 Zobiw M 57 |
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This page was last updated on 05/17/07
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