Dr. William S Stoney 

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1.    Wanda Castor
2.    Sandra Dawe
3.    Carol Kirby
4.    Nansi Kirby
5.    Bonnie Morgan
6.    Karen Sweetland
7.    Nancy Vorlander
8.    Sandra Mittelstadt
9.    Dave Lawrence
10.  Tom Flegal
11.   Rodney Mask
12.  Ron Sinclair
13.  Richard Babb
14.  Robert Reaves
15.  James Walker
16.  Joan Stanio
17.  Barbara Cameron
18.  Phoebe Ford
19.  Mary Lou Harvey
20.  Pat Donahue
21.  Flo Via
22.  Anita Lewis
23.  Louise Penfold
24.  Mercedes Kelly
25.  Pat McKnight
26.  Heather Cobb
27.  Sharon Smith
28.  Penny Ackley
29.  Graham Bussler ?
30.  Ron Hogan
33.  Morriss Carter
35.  Richard Bulson
36.  Bruce Meeks
37.  Charles Allen
38.  Dr. Stoney
39.  Deana Carmody

We are still looking for a lot of these people.  If anyone has any information on any of the students please let us know.  

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Alma Mater

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