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Bushy Tales

Dedicated to all who attended London Central High School in Bushy Park, London England from 1952 to 1962

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Issue #3

May 2002

Volume #2

Gary Schroeder (55), Editor   gschroeder_uscgaux@email.msn.com

Class Representatives

1953 - Jackie (Brown) Kenny JKYKNY@aol.com
1954 – Betsy (Neff) Cote
1955 – Nancie (Anderson) Weber

1956 - Glenda F. Drake
1957 – Celeste (Plitouke) Brodigan
1958 – Pat (Terpening) Owen
1959 - Jerry Sandham
1960 - Ren Briggs
1961 - Betsy (Schley) Slepetz
1962 - Dona (Hale) Ritchie

Roster Changes

Mike Murphy (58)
New address is
210 Old Key West Drive
Fort Pierce, Florida.

Kristin (Ludlow) Ravetz (58)
New email address

Al Forsman (59)
Please note, after April 11, my retirement date, my e-mail address will be

Dick Ackerman (59) Acker1@earthlink.net 
The information printed last month regarding Dick and Kay's cell phone number was incorrect. The correct cell phone number for them is: (217) 280-1018

Jim McGrew (59)
New e-mail address jmcgrew2@earthlink.net

Jacque W. "Jack" Chapman (62)  Please add address and phone # -
7661 Lippincott Way
Indianapolis, IN 46268
(317) 876-0344

Karen Ward Perryman (61)  New email address

Steve Warner (58) 

New address
10140 Heather Sound
Tampa, FL 33647

Joseph Van Ryzin (62)
New address
172 Kuumole Place
Kailua, Hawaii 96734

The following e-mail addresses are no longer current. Please delete from your roster. If you know their current e-mail address, please let Gary Schroeder or Pat Terpening Owen know.

James Heck (60) wiggily@mediaone.net 
Janice Engle (61)

The e-mail addresses listed for the following people at Classmates are no longer valid. If you have been in contact with any of them recently could you let Gary Schroeder or Pat Owen know so we can contact them.

Sarah George (60)
Robert Gerber (62)
Byron Boeckel 60)
James (Andy) Castle (62)
Richard Hesse (59)
Karen Post Juncker-Albert (62)

Look Who We Found

Lois Fontaine Pinkney (53)
2780 E. Canal Dr.
Turlock, California 95380
Phone: (209) 632-2935

Husband: Dale (on June 19th, we will have been married 47 years; we have three children and six grandchildren)

Patricia Hardy Chow (62) Pattychow6@aol.com 
Pat Nelson (61)
Karen Dempster (61)

I was at Bushy Park for my 10th and 11th grades, the 1958-59, and 1959-60 school years. Then the school was split, and my senior year was at Lakenheath High. I lived at Sculthorpe RAF and lived in the dorms, returning home on the weekends.

Shari McClaran Vaughn (58) skymother6@aol.com 

I was at Bushy Park for the last 1/2 of 8th grade, Mr. Carey!! Never forget him!! Then for my 9th and 10th, leaving the summer of ' 56 for 11th and 12th grades in Ft. Worth, TX. I am a Flight Attendant for American Airlines, based in Miami and living in Ft. Lauderdale now.

Dr. Landgrave T. Smith, III (62) landgrave.smith@med.ge.com 
10908 South Miller Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73170

Penny "Cris" Ohrman Bernstein (61) premierevent@charleston.net
321 Prestwick Court
Summerville SC 29483

Donald H. Crews (59) Dhcews@juno.com 

I enjoyed the News Letter. Some of the stories got me thinking about memorabilia that I've not looked at in many years. So! I dug them out and revisited. I'll send you some snippets of recollections periodically. If you wish to use them, feel free. They won't be often and there won't be much (I was pretty much unconscious of things around me then).

Dan Skeldon (60)
1123 N. 28th Street
Tacoma, WA 98403-2915
(253) 396-1580

Rodger (Durfee) Hickel (60) rodger.d.hickel@boeing.com

George H. Stillson (60) gstillso@attbi.com
104 Suomi Road
Hyannis, MA 02501-3636

Judith Stillson Surles (62) meldybelow@aol.com

Memories of Bushy

From Mike Murphy (58) OLDSALT1223@aol.com

I remember both sides of being a dormie my first year there in 56, and riding the bus. Then my father was transferred to West Drayton where I bagged groceries at the Commissary and also set pins at the bowling alley. I am a widower and retired from the U S Navy after 30 years. I have been to 3 re unions and have really enjoyed them. I also bought one of the high school jackets. Every one should have one. They are great, and I have the t- shirt also. I am still looking for my old classmates Jim Crutchfield and June Mills.

From Marcia (Craver) Thomas (53) TxStarmt@aol.com 

In December 1953, the USAF apparently decided to do a little public relations by having two USAF footballs teams, one in Burtonwood, England (Burtonwood Bullets, the UK Champs) and one in Germany (Furstenfeldbruck Eagles, the Austria-Germany Champs), play a real American football game in Wembley Stadium - the first time American football had ever been played for the public in England. I was a student at Bushy when the call was made from the AF for any girls who wanted to be majorettes with the band they were putting together from several AF units to sign up. (There was also a call for those who wanted to be Cheerleaders). Well, of course, yours truly wanted to do that Majorette thing very much and signed on immediately. Others who were signed on were Mary Jane Grinnell, Barbara Jean Grinnell, and Glynnell Colwick. It created a huge sensation with the English press and my photo was in numerous newspapers with the others as well as solo.... there was also a newsreel done that played in many Odeon theatre’s for a couple of weeks thereafter. It was a fun, fun time even though it was so smoggy that day you could hardly see anything on the field! At any rate, I returned to Texas and married; lived in Marshall for about 20 yrs - knowing that there was a guy from the city that had played on the Bullets team.....I never made the effort to contact him until recently -- and here's why. Late last year I was able to find a source and get a copy of the Pathe Newsreel that showed me and the other Majorettes as well as the band, cheerleaders and football game!

It was terrific and really funny! The response from those Brits to our football was hilarious! Anyway, I decided to give the newsreel a little showing by putting together a "Last Picture Show in Jefferson" event as a fund-raiser for our local community theatre group, the Opera House Theatre Players. This occurred on March 7, but the week before, I contacted the Marshall guy, Bob Yates, told him who I was and my connection with him and invited him to be guest of honor at our event. He was completely overwhelmed and greatly interested in that film! Naturally, I gave him a copy and he made several others to give to his friends -- it seems that the old football teams get together for a reunion every year or two! After 50 yrs they are still around! They have invited me to their next reunion and I will definitely go and bring my baton! I can still twirl too plus I can still wear my HS majorette outfit! Anyone know where the other Majorettes are? Let's try to find them! Hope you get a kick out of this little story.

Where Are They?

In this issue we are looking for those we have not found from the Class of 1962. Some of these may have been found and we are not aware of it. If you know where any of them are please let us know.

This is first part of the list of who we are looking for in the Class of ’62.

John Ablino
Carol Adamson
Bonnie Jean Allen
Margery Anderson
Marcia Anthony
Charlotte Armstrong
Charles Arnhold
Dorothy Arrieta
Robert Bolton
Vinetta Ashmore
Wilfred Borkman
Roger H. Ayer
Donna Boyer
Suzy I. Babbidge
Joan Bradley
William Babcock
Ann Brooks Gavin
Richard Bacon
Robert Brooks
Robert Baird
James A. Brophy, Jr
Elnora Baker

Gary Brown
Richard Baker
Harald Brown, Jr.
Patricia Barbour
Campbell Bruce
Carolyn Barna
Roy Brun
Bruce Bayne
John Buck
Dianne Beaumont
Valerie Long
Cheryl Bennett
Wanda Bevins
Lawrence Martin Burns
Brenden Blackwell
Edward Blonts
Rebecca Blonts
Gerald Boatman
Catherine Boddie
Richard Bohner
Janet Bolton

Look Who's Looking for Who

From Lamar Parish Robataille (60) LRobataille@cbre.com

How can I locate someone from the class of 1960 that was at Bushy Park from 1955-57? Her name is Jonne LeGate, and I have lost touch. She had an older brother named Frank, and their father was in the Air Force. The last I heard from her she was in Texas, but don't know where. I heard she married, but don't know her name.

Biloxi Reunion

Terry Ennis (60) TREnnis1@aol.com

We did not make it to the Biloxi reunion but everyone I talk to seems to have really enjoyed it. It still amazes me how strong those Bushy Park friendships have remained over the years.

Mini Reunions


Billie Culp Bules (54) BCBules@aol.com 

During the week of April 16th Gary Baldwin (Class of 1954) and his wife Ruth Ann visited a few days with Billie (Culp) Bules (Class of 1954) and her husband Dave at their home in Phoenix, Arizona. Joining the four of them for dinner one evening was Ted Hopkins (Class of 1955) and his wife Dawn. Ted had just celebrated a milestone birthday and couldn't lie to Gary or Billie since they had both celebrated the same milestone recently. The six of us had a wonderful time talking and laughing and catching up. Our beautiful Sonora desert in Phoenix greeted Gary and Ruth Ann with all it's beauty as most of the desert trees, cactus and shrubs are in bloom. It is always delightful getting together with Bushy Park friends and their spouses.

Classmates Who Have Transferred 
To The Eternal Duty Station

Our love and prayers go out to the family and friends of our classmates who have gone on before us. We will miss them, yet we can find comfort in knowing that one-day we will all join them for the greatest of all reunions

From Gail Lemmon Welch (54) glwelch2@juno.com

Henry (Buddy) Lemmon (57) was my younger (only) brother. He was killed in a Car accident in 1964. I'm a widow. My husband passed away in 1987.

Mini Bios

Valerie Filiason Katz (61) TexxVal@aol.com

Gosh, I was only in Bushy Park for 1 1/2 years as my father got very ill and was retired from the service. I returned to CA and stayed there for 35 years. Graduated with a double master's in Speech Pathology and Audiology (never could make a decision). Married and had two sons. The youngest one is a physicist and the other is a perennial student at 38, he is going to USC for his master's in communication. The younger one is a VP of web designer firm that did Harry Potter and Bud light web sites I have a step daughter who had a baby two years ago so I am finally a sort of grandmother. They all live in CA and are great kids. The student is getting married this May. 10 years ago I decided to venture out into an entrepreneurial endeavor. I had retired from being the chief of a rehab center in a hospital. That was the impetus for my reentry into the world of dealing with personnel again. I now own 7 Jenny Craig locations in San Antonio and Austin, TX and have moved to San Antonio. I miss CA, my husband doesn't at all. We compromise by traveling a lot. I think I need to move back and be closer to my kids so at least I will know the person wiping up my drool when the time comes.

From Joseph Van Ryzin (62) Joe-diane@hawaii.rr.com 

Was in London two weeks ago on business. I go back about once a year. Did not get out to Bushy Park - but I did get to my old neighborhood around Kensington South St and Nottinghill Gate. London – England actually - is really getting expensive, even for those of use used to Hawaiian prices!

My other data:

Wife: Diane Van Ryzin
Address: 172 Kuumele Place
Kailua, Hawaii 96734 
808 261-2227

Children (now adults): Henrik and Karl

We've been living in Hawaii for 30 years. Left Bushy park and went to Carnegie Tech in Pittsburgh. After that, went to University of Rhode Island and got a PhD in Ocean Engineering. Then on to Hawaii - work for Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. in Waimanalo, Hawaii.

Penny "Cris" Ohrman Bernstein (61) premierevent@charleston.net 

I go by Cris now but to anyone in my family and to friends before 1970, I am still Penny. I went to Bushy Park in 8th grade...56-57 then to Bushey Hall 57--58 and then to Bitburg, Germany for a year and to Charleston SC for junior and senior year...where I live now. I am the founder of the reunions for the 56-63 year groups at Bitburg and we do reunions every 3 yrs. in a different city. My website www.premierevts.com has some pictures of those reunions. I own an event planning business in Charleston...mostly doing weddings these days but some corporate and some bar mitzvahs and reunions for my high school class here and Bitburg. Karen Cottingham (60) I knew for a long time...her parents were great friends of my parents. She moved to Little Rock and last I heard married a Frenchmen and moved to France. I am so excited to know you have Karen! She actually spent about a month with us when we lived in CHS as she got stranded there on her way overseas to meet up with her parents one summer. My mother and father were her parents best friends for years. I remember when they died. Karen received Doctor Pepper for a Christmas gift one year while we were in England and was thrilled. That was the first time I had ever heard of or tasted it...she doled it out in shot glasses! The things you remember. David Anderson (59) is someone I rode the bus with from Bushey...he was a sophomore when I was in 8th grade...we lived in High Wycombe. I remember David playing his instrument on the bus going to school. I worked 15 yrs. on Capitol Hill and 15 yrs. in the CEO level of corporate America. All the jobs always involved doing parties, fundraisers, traveling to set up events in home districts, etc. so it was a natural progression for me to go into my own business. Phil is a Citadel grad and our daughter has lived here for 17 yrs. so we wanted to retire here. I wanted to start the business ahead of the boom of event planners. CBS - Channel 5 is a client of mine...I have TV commercials as a result and WTMA Talk Radio is a client as well so have commercials there. I do about 40 weddings and/or events a year here. Thank you for all your hard work. I know from experience what it takes to put it all together. Being an overseas brat is something very special. I've tried to get Oprah to do a story several times but it just doesn't click with them...they don't get the concept. My best friend was Sharon "Tiny" Swim and I'd love to find her.

Dr. Landgrave T. Smith, III (62) landgrave.smith@med.ge.com 

I did indeed attend Bushy Park High School in that time window. That was long enough ago that I'm not even sure which year I graduated. We arrived England in 1958 or '59. I spent one or two years in the British system, did a couple of "O" levels, and then did the Junior and Senior year at Bushy Park. So I would have graduated in 1961 or 1962. Following that, I took a year out. Then undergraduate school. Took a couple of years out, then did a Master's in Washington, and a Ph.D. at the University of Oklahoma Medical School in Oklahoma City. Spent 10 years on the Department of Psychiatry faculty there. Science didn't afford a stable way to make a living, so I joined a start-up corporation in 1992 designing and developing medical software systems. We did rather well, and GE acquired us last year. One 12-year marriage that lasted until she finished her degree in 1983, and one son, currently in his Cow year at West Point.

Do You Remember

Editors Note: I thought I would use some things from the "High Times" from Wednesday June 11, 1954. Hope they bring back some memories for all of you.


Wednesday June 9, 1954

Seniors’ Secret Ambitions

Jean Beard: To lead a motorcycle brigade through Buckingham Palace

Edwina Parker: To be the first person to build a bubble gum factory on the moon.

Helen Speed: To be a Geometry Teacher.

Betsy Neff: To be editor of Time Magazine.

Mary Easley: To be a woman wrestler.

Ginger Ireland: To enter the "Tall Women’s Club" in Dallas, Texas. (Ed note – the minimum height requirement is 5’ 10’)

Barbara Jean Grinnell: To live to 105, have 22 children, enough for two football teams, 110 grandchildren and 330 great-grandchildren and to live to see them all.

Gail Lemmon: To be a lawyer’s wife.

Joan Maltman: To get married and raise ten kids.

Diane Calderwood: To have a small horse ranch somewhere in the east.

Bill Robbins: My secret ambition is too secret to be told. Besides it wouldn’t pass the censors.

Karin Fricke: My secret ambition is to be the mother of six kids.

Bobbie Adeska: My secret ambition is to go to Turkey and change their custom, instead of men having a harem of women, I want a harem for me.

Yvonne Wright: My secret ambition is to become the first woman President.

Bill Kane: My secret ambition is to be a stage eye… I mean stagehand at the Follies Bergere.

Pat Wells: To have a pet shop on top of the Woolworth Building in San Francisco.

Sam Myers: My secret ambition is to be the first man to land on Mars.

Jim Goodeve: My secret ambition is to make straight A’s in Vassar.

Gordon Barnette: My secret ambition is to be an English teacher and have Mr. Dickinson in my class. Ha Ha.

Gary Baldwin: My ambition is to become a professional lipstick taster in Hollywood.

Dave Betts: If I told you it wouldn’t be a secret.

Billie Culp: My ambition is to be the first girl at Texas A. and M.

Gemma Gamble: My secret ambition is to have a fire-engine red convertible, FULLY EQUIPPED.

Loni De Vaughn: My secret ambition is to keep my secret ambition a secret.

Ann Hearn: My secret ambition is to replace Marlon Brando in the Movies.

Van Piety: Earn a million and be a playboy.

Dan Chew: Be a bouncer at Ciro’s Night Club.

Kay Gfeller: Be a bubble dancer.

Snookie Garrison: Be a Lady Wrestler.

Peg Corder: To go swimming on the Riviera in my Bikini.

Barbara Hodgeman: To succeed Charles Atlas.

And from the same issue of the High Times.

We’ll Always Remember

When Gary Baldwin was foot-loose and fancy-free, Joan Harding saying she wouldn’t go steady, Jon Searles fine Junior Class President. When I couldn’t tell the Marchant twins apart, the time Portey Neff had a homemade haircut, Joan Mardesich’s happy but flat singing, Kinney Vines smashing songs and guitar, Van Piety flirting with all the girls, when Gail Fitzgerald had long tresses, Bill Weller as Centrals little brother, the time Sheila Porter lost her glasses, Joe Campton and his ever-ready briefcase, the nonchalant manner of Bill Robins, Dusty Bowers as a tall handsome senior, Dick Villard Bentwaters card-sharper, the time John Piety lost his trousers, Dotty Zirkle’s dry sense of humor, Billie Culp as Sweetheart Queen, the pretty smile of Sue Larimore, when Dave Betts didn’t say a word, Gordon Holteman’s corny jokes, Judy Ashcrafts dead-pan expression, Babs Smith’s sleepy left foot, the laughing red face of Betsy Neff, the time Bob Lyle was a bachelor, Loni De Vaughn’s fiery red hair, Ginger Ireland’s quick retorts, Pete Laughlin and Stan Kenton, the fine voice of Betty Jones, Sammy Myers string ties, Peggy Wilkie’s pretty eyes, Mike Harper’s winning smile, Judy Blakeney’s cute dimples, Tommy Shuman’s straight A’s, Betsy Campbell’s cute clothes, Kay Gfeller’s talented acting, Shirley Hall’s baby voice, Manny Neves bow legs, Jim West’s deep voice, Johnny Muerer’s build, Fred Parrish’s hair, Peg Corder’s cute figure, Teddy Hopkins red vest, when Joyce Ford seemed shy, Bobby Barton’s friendly personality, Jerry and his pet mouse, Betty Cole’s laugh, Ken Robie’s brain, Mr. Dickinson.

This and That

From Gary Baldwin (54) gbaldwin36@earthlink.net

Have you seen this?
Tribute In Lights...New York City...March 11, 2002


(editors note: It takes a few minutes to load but is will worth waiting for.)

I do not normally pass things along that I receive because I never know what will interest others. The lights have a significant meaning to so many of the people in this area because nearly everyone in North Jersey was affected in one way or another by the 9/11 event.

Perhaps the Bushy Tales can be likened to the "lights of NY" as it, too, is a reminder of a past event (albeit good) for all of us.

From Betsy Neff Cote' (54) JPACOTE@aol.com 

Well we got here after some trial and error during the drive from Lisbon to Rota. The countryside is a lot like it was in Southern Italy but so far the weather hasn't been that great, as it has rained off and on most days. At church yesterday at the base chapel the Priest said that they had been in a drought situation and were praying for some rain but now the reservoirs were full and they could stop. The storm yesterday was bad enough to knock the electricity out twice. Europe is getting so modern that they even had Toy R Us at the little shopping center nearby. I hate to think you come all this far to find what is right across you’re our town. The base here is half Spanish and half American. We haven't done much site seeing yet but we are going to start today as my daughter in law is on leave this week. While in the airport in London on way here we decided that we would head back a few days earlier and spend three days in London since we

are this far and don't expect to cross the ocean again. The hotel prices are definitely high there. Will let you know sometime or other how we make out.

From Steve Warner (58) stevewarner5@hotmail.com 

I will be retiring on 31 March 02, after 40+ years of military and government service. I have been here in Germany for the past fifteen years. It is time to go. I am looking forward to my retirement in Tampa, Florida, where I have bought a home. I am looking forward to pursuing my hobby of travel both in CONUS (in an RV) and abroad. I plan to spend some extended time period(s) with my close friends in Germany (Hans & Margaret Salow: Darmstadt) and with my Greek Family, Georgia & Stavros Belitsii, in Ancient Corinth, Greece, as well as my sister and her husband, Randy & Barry Warner-Feldman, in Thessaloniki, GR. I shall be involved in some reunions in April & May, and a Cruise in the Caribbean, 13-26 Apr 02. I plan to move into my home in the May-June timeframe.

My new address:
10140 Heather Sound Drive
Tampa, Florida 33647

I can be reached by phone through my dear friend, Mrs. Jane Edwards, who lives in nearby St Petersburg, FL @ (727) 823-7744.

I have a hot mail email address that will at least tide me over for six months or so:

I want to thank everyone for indulging me for the past many years. I hope to regain contact with all of you as I glide into retirement. My very best to each and every one of you.

From Patricia Owen (58) nemoamasa@worldnet.att.net 

Info I found while rummaging around in my stuff. Might be of interest to anyone who attended the U of M during this time period, or anyone who has since sent children to college. What a difference time makes.

University of Maryland - Munich Branch - Addenda to 1956/57 Brochure. (I have condensed down to information I thought might be fun to read about).

Admission - The program is open to accredited high school graduates who are dependents of personnel in the European Command entitled to U.S. logistical support.

Applications should be submitted as early as possible, but in any case not later than June 30. Applications must be made on three forms (1) one green Overseas form is to be sent to the Resident Dean (2) duplicate green Overseas form is to be sent to the Office of the Director of Admissions (3) a white form is to be sent to the applicant's high school principal. Dependents whose sponsors are not stationed in Munich should submit at least the two green forms at once. These act as reservation for dormitory space.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance in all classes at the University is compulsory. Automatic cuts are not permitted. All absences must be fully explained. Excessive voluntary absences may result in the student's being dropped from the rolls and suspended from the University.

Courses offered: 2 Economics classes; 6 English classes; 5 Foreign Language classes; 2 German Civilization classes; 2 Government and Politics classes; 4 History Classes; 2 Journalism classes; 6 Math classes; 3 Music classes; 3 Philosophy classes; 2 PE classes, 3 Psychology classes, 1 Sociology class and 2 Speech classes.

EXPENSES: Payment of the Deposit ($10.00) reserves a place in the college for the student, subject to capacity and qualification considerations.

FEES: Matriculation Fee ($10.00); Dormitory Fee ($50.00); Activity Fee ($25.00) and Late Registration Fee (as applicable) ($5.00).

TUITION: The Tuition Charge for the academic year 1958/59 has not been definitely fixed, however it will probably be between $175.00 and $200.00 per semester. In addition, there is a $3.00 laboratory fee for certain courses.

DINING PLAN: Excellent complete meals are served. The established rates for this service are: $40.00 per month for 7 days per week boarders; $30.00 per month for 5 days per week boarders.

EDUCATIONAL Tours - First Semester

A half-day bus tour, with a noted German guide, to points of historical and cultural interest in Munich; the Frauenkirch, Neues Rathaus (new city hall) German Technical Museum, Haus der Kunst (House of Art), and other historical buildings and monuments - $ .50

A two-day trip, with guide, to the three best preserved medieval villages in Germany - Nordlingen, Dinkelstuhl, and Rothenburg - $10.00

A four day guided tour by bus to Vienna, plus hotel accommodation with breakfast and lunch included with a tour of Salzburg on the return trip - $28.00

School started on September 10 and ended on May 30. There were 4 days at Thanksgiving, 2 weeks at Christmas, a 2 week Spring Vacation.

Comments From You Our Readers

From Judy Samms Stanford (59) Stanfordwk@earthlink.net 

Great newsletter. Thanks so much for all the effort. Judy Risler brought back so many great memories. I loved Bushy Park.

Got this from:

Harlan Frymire (60) Frysline@aol.com      and 
Sherianne Sellers Seibel (61)

While waiting for my first appointment in the reception room of a different dentist I had selected, I noticed his certificate hanging on the wall, which bore his full name. Suddenly, I remembered that a tall, handsome boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 40 years go. Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was way too old to have been my classmate.

After he had examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended the local high school. "Why, yes I did," he replied. "When did you graduate," I asked him. He said, "Back in 1956." "Why, you were in my class," I exclaimed. He looked at me closely and then asked, "What did you teach?"


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