Yes, I know it is hard to see but...
it is old.
I have re-typed the text so
that it will be easier to read. |
Bushy Park, England, Central High School
graduates (left to right) include: First row, Kelle Johnson, Sherry Gregory, Arden
Atkinson, Sandy Pirie, Kay Owen, Jackie Brown, Bobbie Brewer, Anne Jones and Susie Talbot.
Second row, Pat Piety, Atha Robinson, Mariann Walton, Lois Fontaine, Pat D'Arcy,
Cecile Erichs, Connie Carpenter and Ruth Davis. Third row: Dick Musgrave, Reed
Muller, Sam Neves, Ray Algren, Principal Larned, Harold Baldwin, Kevin Carroll. Pete
Granata, Budge Lynn and Henry Mason. Not present for picture, Pete Garrison, Polly
Neiman and Gene Cain. |